1 August 2011

Learning to Trust

04-22-09 trust by kainr

There are some things we can control, and there are some things we can’t. On one hand I am learning—through various books, podcasts, relationships, and personal experiences—that you have to take opportunities in life. Sometimes small opportunities can snowball into big ones, and every opportunity will die if not given room to grow. On the other hand you can’t force the universe to do things just the way you want them; sometimes you just have to go with the flow and believe that God is guiding things in the right direction.

Romans 8:28 says that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Sometimes it’s very hard for me to hold on to that. When you’ve got wishes and dreams and goals as big as I do it’s hard to put things in someone else’s hands—even if He is the Master of the universe. I’m ready to take whatever opportunities will present themselves (like making a connection through Facebook or getting to know my friend’s English in-laws), but sometimes there’s a waiting game while things move into position, and I’m trying not to force things.

I’m sure that whoever is reading this has had some of these same thoughts. You’ve wondered when things are going to move along, you feel like you’re running as fast as you can—on a treadmill. Where is the balance? How do we forge an amazing life for ourselves and at the same time submit to a God who holds the whole world in His hands?

And I guess that it all comes down to trust. Trust in that beautiful sense of taking responsibility, but knowing all the time that God has a plan for your life and He will provide, even when things look bleak and you start to lose faith in your dearest vision. Even when England feels much farther than 4,200 miles away, things aren’t happening quickly enough, and opportunities are slipping by, I can rest easy in the knowledge that there is an all mighty Father who is looking out for me, and He longs to fulfill the desires of my heart.

Be encouraged, my friend! We’re on this journey together—the pursuit of life to the fullest, adventure, meaning—and we’re not alone. 

04-22-09 trust, a photo by kainr on Flickr.


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